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Here we will describe the basic initialization method of CardanoWeb3 class, for detailed information see API section


import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init()

Change network

import { CardanoWeb3 } from "cardano-web3-js"

const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init({ network: "preview" }) // Koios preview network provider

Custom params

import { CardanoWeb3, KupmiosProvider } from "cardano-web3-js"

const web3 = await CardanoWeb3.init({
  network: "mainnet", // "mainnet" | "preprod" | "preview" | "custom"
  protocolParams: {}, // override protocolParams, eg. in case of custom network
  ttl: 900, // 900 secs = 15 minutes
  provider: new KupmiosProvider({
    ogmiosUrl: "",
    kupoUrl: "",
    ogmiosHeaders: {}, // pass custom headers
    kupoHeaders: {}, // pass custom headers
  explorer: {
    koios: {
      headers: {}, // pass custom headers
      url: "",
    nftcdn: {
      headers: {}, // pass custom headers
      url: "",
    pricing: {
      headers: {}, // pass custom headers
      url: "", // only mainnet available

Accessing types

import type { T, Account, Connector, Data, Constr } from "cardano-web3-js"

const NewProvider = (): T.Provider => {
  return {

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